Belly Bra Clinical Trial - proven to be `helpful` or `very helpful` to pregnant women

Released on = June 21, 2006, 9:13 pm

Press Release Author = Fertile Mind Pty Ltd

Industry = Retail

Press Release Summary = Clinical Trial on Belly Bra - "significant reductions back
pain when, sitting down, walking and working."

Press Release Body = Between 50 and 80 percent of women will experience back pain in
So, the results of a clinical trial by Melbourne University and the Royal Women\'s
Hospital in Melbourne will be of great interest to more than 120,000 women who\'ll
give birth in Australia this year. The trial found that BellyBra, a support garment
for the third trimester (the last 10 weeks of pregnancy) significantly decreased
back pain when sleeping, sitting, getting up form a sitting position, walking and
working. \"It does show that BellyBra decreases pain severity particularly in those
areas that have to do with activity,\" says Dr Louise Kornman who co-ordinated the
trial. Sarah Kalus, an Advanced Medical Science student from Melbourne University
who conducted much of the trial said 115 women took part. About half wore the
BellyBra and the other half wore a control (elasticized bandage). 78 per cent of
those wearing BellyBra said their overall impression of the treatment was \"helpful
or very helpful.\" The study also showed fewer women resorted to painkillers when
wearing the BellyBra than those in the control group. The results of the trial are
being collated for publication but Sarah Kalus\'s summary can be viewed. BellyBras
are available at selected maternity and baby stores as well as physiotherapists and
*According to orthopedic surgeon Harry Lockstadt from Spine Universe
( every second pregnant woman will experience back pain
during the last trimester (the final 10 weeks of her pregnancy.) \"It is believed
that hormones cause change at the insertion point of ligaments to the bone. A
higher concentration of ligaments in the lower spine may suggest the cause for a
higher incidence of back pain in the (second or third time) mother who has had more
exposure to hormonal influences,\" says Mr Lockstadt.

Web Site =

Contact Details = Fertile Mind Pty Ltd
Unit 12, 84 Old Pittwater Road
Brookvale NSW 2100
+61 2 9905 0199

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